Super Villain Island

Guide written by Samwow5.  Bonus Quest guide written by Icy Comet.

Deep inside a top-secret prison, four of Poptropica’s most infamous villains float in suspended animation. Your mission: to infiltrate their minds and extract the sources of their evil. Can you withstand a journey to the heart of darkness, or will their twisted dreams trap you forever?


Super Villain Island Walkthrough

When you first get to Super Villain Island go into the Control Room. Talk to the girl with the glasses, ask the third question. She says the chopper is going to give you a lift. While in the chopper there is a storm around you, the pilot says to jump and gives you a walkie-talkie. You jump out. Here is the instructions, avoid the lightning. If you get hit by the lightning your parachute catches on fire.

After you survive, swim to shore and climb up the rocks. When you reach the top that camera is looking at you. Get under it and let it look at you without moving for a few seconds. A door opens in the wall! Go inside.

When you are inside go to the guard on the right. Ask the third question. He says it’s your life. The machine gives you X-Rays, scan, disinfect, dry, and a mug shot.


Go right and enter the guard room. Go all the way to the right to Dr. Jupiter’s elevator and click the up button. While going up you pass Copy Cat, Mr. Silva, Sir Rebel, Crusher, El Mushachio Grande, Ratman, Betty Jetty, and Gretchen Grimlock. When you get the Dr. Jupiter’s lab, he says you are about to participate in the greatest scientific science experiment ever known to Poptropica. All the villains are asleep so you have to enter their minds and remove what turned them evil.

Items from Binary Bard’s Dream

1. Diamond Drill USE: In Dr.Hare’s Dream to break through the Diamonds.

Items from Captain Crawfish’s Dream

1. Grog Brand Turpline (Get the Green Key for the Green Box) Mix it with Empty Sprayer, it makes a Filled Sprayer

2. Stopwatch (Get the Orange Key for the Orange Box)  USE: To freeze time in Binary Bard’s Dream (Read Below)

Items from Black Widow’s Dream

1. Shrinking Potion USE:  To get into the model ship in Captain Crawfish’s Dream.

2. Crystal Key USE: To open the door in Binary Bard’s Dream.

Items form Dr.Hare’s Dream

1. Empty Sprayer (Mix it with Grog Brand Turpline, it makes a Filled Sprayer.)


Filled Sprayer’s Use: To clean Black Widow’s paintings in her dream.


How to get the totem in Binary Bard’s Dream

On the first door use the Stopwatch to stop the door from opening and closing. The second door you do the same thing. The third you have Merlin attacking you, which is a little harder, but the Stopwatch freezes him. Next it’s the mouse,  To the right there’s a big wall. Lure the mouse to the wall and use the Stopwatch to freeze it, then hop on the mouse over the wall. Enter into the next room.

The next part is way harder. They have these big spikes, which you have to time freeze so you can jump on them. The first spike is fairly easy Let the spike turn until it almost reaches the right side, Stopwatch it while it’s facing up so you can jump on it then jump on the platform above. The 2nd one is harder. The last moved from left to right now it moves up and down (TIP: You don’t have to freeze this one just time the just make sure the spike/ball is going down while you jump as far as you can to the right). Run by the first part spikes of 3rd spikes. The second part of the 3rd spikes are harder, the spikes cross each other. Make sure they end up like this.

The fourth is pretty easy, just freeze it and jump up as high as you can. The fifth is easily the hardest so far. They have three in a row and you have to time it right to get to the top left corner. Wait until the bottom one is to the right then keep jumping till you reach the top left. (WARNING: This might take a couple of times). The sixth, go by it first, second, and third to get the Diamond Drill, freeze the spike closest to the Diamond Drill then try to hop in this.

To open the door you need the Crystal Key. He became he old self again. Use the clock to shock him 3 times. Time freeze when the clock reaches this time. 12:30, 3:45, 6:00 etc. Then the astrolobe totem falls out.

How to get the totem in Captain Crawfish’s Dream

First, get the brown key above from where you come in. Then go to the bottom, and unlock the brown box. You get a Stopwatch. Then get the Green Key above you and open the Green box at the top level. It gives you the Grog Brand Turpline. Go to the model ship and use the Shrinking Potion. While your inside the model ship close all the doors.

After you close all of them. Make sure the guy closest to the cannon will not be hit with the cannonball. Then shoot, the cannonball breaks the glass and the model ship is the totem.

How to get the totem in Black Widow’s Dream

First, you get the Filled Sprayer out of the items. Click on Black Widow and ask the first question. Then hop in the painting that says UGLY. You have to clean the painting from vandelism. Get the Shrinking Potion at the top left corner.

Housework UGH!

Go to the next painting that says TRASH. Clean that one from vandelism too. At the top right corner there is a Crystal Key. Go to the 3rd and final painting, that says NOT ART, clean all the vandelism.

Now to melt Black Widows painting. Keep spraying the painting between UGLY and TRASH or aka the painting of her. She will chase you and hit you.

When the painting melts, it shows a paintbrush. That’s the totem.

How to get the totem in Dr. Hare’s Dream

TIP: To kill the ants click on the ants and the pickaxe and diamond drill kills them.

They have three parts. The first is easy, start pickaxing all the way to the right, then avoid the ants. The second is a little harder because now they have blue ants that can break the walls. Try to avoid them. Use the Diamond Drill to drill to get the Empty Sprayer (Mix it with Grog brand turpline make Filled Sprayer) . The 3rd part is the hardest, you have to use the Diamond Drill for the whole thing. Also the blue ants are there instead of the red ants. To get the totem start out to the left then work your way down till you reach here.

Like in the picture the totem is to the right of Dr. Hare. The totem is a Golden Carrot.

Defeating Zeus

Well after you finish getting all the items. You give them to Dr. Jupiter, which turns out to be Zeus! Screen darkens, shows clips of Shark Tooth, Mythology, and Mystery Train destroyed! When you arrive in the ocean Posideon gives you his Trident and you have to fight Zeus. Zeus has 4 items on the Statue of Liberty. You have to unlodge them by clicking on them while avoiding lightning bolts by Zeus. After you unlodge all the stuff. You now have to knock Zeus out. Keep shooting him until he has no cloulds left. Then he falls into the ocean…..


The Start-

Once you have defeated Zeus, you will talk to the guards and get the island medallion. After you get the medallion, you will continue talking to the guards until a red warning light turns on. One of the guards will say that it’s an emergency lockdown and that one of the prisoners from Super Power Island is holding one of the prison’s guards in their cell. The other guard will say that only one person knows the code to the cells, and that he’s asleep. Unfortunately, that person happens to be Zeus. Just when you thought that you were finished with him for good, too…

The first guard will ask you to go into Zeus’s dream and retrieve the code.

Press the green button on the dream machine to enter Zeus’s dream. His dream will take place in an upside-down with messed-up-colors version of Mythology Island. There are three different places in Mythology Island that you will go to in Zeus’s dream: the Labyrinth, the Tree Top, and Mount Olympus.

It might be hard to navigate around, because everything is upside-down. But you should get used to it after a little bit. There’s not much that I can tell you to help you get around each section, but just try and move around the best you can. It helps if you’ve played Mythology Island, that way you have at least a faint idea of what each section should look like.

The goal in each section will be to collect four letters and/or numbers. The letters and numbers make up the code that you need to get.

The Labyrinth-

This is the first section in the dream. The letters/numbers that you need to find here are: Z3US. This section is hard, because not only are you upside-down, but you’re in the Labyrinth as well. Trying to navigate through an upside-down maze isn’t the easiest thing in the world to do. And this time you don’t even have a red string to help you.

There’s not much that I can tell you to help with this. Just keep searching around for the four letters/numbers. Don’t get frustrated if you can’t find one, just try to retrace your steps and see if there was a place you missed.

Once you get all four letters/numbers, you will automatically be transported to the next section.

The Tree Top-

The letters/numbers that you need to find here are: TH3G. It might be hard to get around here, as well, but just do your best. You can use the mushrooms that you find on the branches to bounce up and help you get around.

Zeus will make his entrance to the dream in this section, so make sure you watch out for him. He will fly around, trying to knock you down. Try to move around fast to avoid him.

Mount Olympus-

The letters/numbers that you need to find here are: R34T. In this section, you can use the clouds to bounce up.

Zeus is still in this section, so make sure you try and avoid him.

Once you find all the letters in this section, you will be automatically transported out of Zeus’s dream, back to the prison.

Back At The Prison-

Walk over to the guard and talk to him. He will thank you and tell you to help yourself with something from their gear closet. You will get the Members-only Dream Guardian Costume.

Congratulations! You have now completed the Bonus Quest!

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  1. Your welcome.

  2. Are u looking forward to Charlie and the Chocalate Factory?

  3. Are u lookinf forward to CatCF Island?

  1. Super Villain Island « Icy Comet's Blog

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