Time Tangled Island

Items from the past have been mixed up, and the future is in danger!  Can you save the future?

You should start out on Main Street in Time Tangled Island.

Walk right, until you see a lady who is crying in front of a building called Pendulum’s Lab.  Click on the lady to talk to her.  She will tell you that something has happened and that the future is in peril.  She will also ask you to come inside.  Then, you see her walk into the lab.

Walk into the lab, walk down the ramp, and talk to the lady.  She will give you a printout explaining what you need to do.  The printout says that a malfunction has mixed up objects in the past and has put them into the wrong time periods.  You must find a way to time travel and return the objects to their correct owners.  It says to start with the future machine, and check things in the future.

Talk to the man who is to the right of a sign that says Future Machine.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “What is this thing?”  The man will reply, “This machine will transport you 50 years into the future.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “Why would I need to visit the future?”  The man will reply, “So you can see the outcome of changes made in the past.”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “How do I operate the machine?”  The man will answer, “Power it up, then step inside.”

To power up the future machine, go left, and down the ramp, run right, push on the big, metal box, so that it meets another metal box, and jump into the future machine.

When you reach the future, you will see that the ground is kind of brownish, that there are piles of junk in the back ground, and that specks of dirt are floating around.  Go to the left until you see a person that looks like you, only older.  Talk to that person.

Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The person will say, “I am you, but 50 years older.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “What is this place?”  The older you will say, “This will be our future if history is not restored.”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “Can you help me repair the past?”  The older you will answer, “Take this time travel device.  Now hurry, our future depends on you.”

After you get the time device a symbol that looks like a pocket watch should appear at the bottom left-hand corner of  the screen.  You can click on that symbol every time you want to open up the time device.

Click on the time device symbol to open up the time device.  Inside, it will have faces with different hats on, representing different time periods.  Click on the face with the hat on that looks like a hat a warrior would wear in ancient Greece.  When you click on the face, a small arrow that is pointing to the time period that you are in, and that has the year that you are in on it, will spin to point to the face. Next, you click on the knob that is flashing green, and that has a message over it, saying, Press the Knob.  That will take you to 328 BC.

When you get to 328 BC, click on the first man that you see.  He will say, “Stay back!  We can’t trust anyone near the treasury anymore!”  Click on the second man that you see.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “What are you doing?”  The man will reply, “We’re guarding the treasury.  We don’t want anything else stolen.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “Something was stolen?  The man will say, “The prized golden vase is gone!”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “Can I help?”  The man will answer, “If you return the golden vase, you may talk to the oracle.”

Go right until you get to a brown vase.  Jump on top of the vase.  Then, jump on top of the statue’s, that is next to you, base.  Next, jump on top of its head.  Last, jump onto the treasury’s roof.

When you get onto the roof, you will see something that looks like a phonograph.  Get the phonograph.  Click on the time device symbol, and click on the head that looks like a viking.  This will take you to 831 AD.

You will end up on a boat.  Get off of the boat, and you will see a viking who looks upset.  Talk to the viking.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “What are you doing?”  The viking will tell you, “We’re on a voyage of exploration.  We landed here to wait out the storm.  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “Is something wrong?”  The viking will answer, “We’ve lost an important item.  Without it, we dare not face the sea.”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “What did you lose?”  The viking will say, “Thor’s hammer, an amulet with protective powers.”

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the face that looks like a woman from India.  This will take you to 1387 AD.

You will end up in a place where the buildings look like they are made of clay.  Go right until you see a piece of wood sticking out from the side of a building.  Jump up onto it, jump up onto the top of the building, jump up onto the top of the building next to it, jump up onto the tree, jump up onto the top of the building next to the tree, and then jump onto the top of a building where a guy is pacing back and forth.

Click on the guy to talk to him.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The guy will reply, “I’m just a poor trader.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “What are you doing up here?”  The trader will reply, “I came to Timbuktu to trade, but I can’t find the salt rocks I brought.”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “What would you do with salt rocks?”  The trader will reply, “Salt is valuable here.  Loosing that bag is a loss for my family.”

When you are done talking to the trader, go right until you reach the edge of the building.  You will see a snake that is facing you.  Jump off of the edge of the building to get over the snake.  When you are on the other side of the snake, jump up onto the platform made out of wood.  From there jump onto the next wood platform.  Go to the edge of that wood platform, jump onto the top of the clay wall that is sticking out of the ground, and jump to the ground.

Go right until you get to a wooden door that says, “Timbuktu Inn” over the top.  Go into the Inn.

Go to the top floor of the Inn, and talk to a man in a white tunic.  He will show you his documents.  The man will notice that you seem particularly interested in one document, so he says that if you pieced a painting together for him, he will give you the document.

Piece together the document, and in return, the man will give you The Declaration of Independence.

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the head that has a brown hat, gray hair, and a short, gray beard.  This will take you to 1516 AD.

You will see a sign that says, “Leo’s Workshop” and has an arrow pointing right.

Go left until you reach another sign, that is in front of two rocks, saying, “Leo’s Workshop” and this time has an arrow pointing up.

Jump up onto the rocks.  From there jump up onto a rock sticking out of a waterfall.  From there jump up onto the rock above and to the left of the rock you are on, jump onto the rock above that one, and then jump onto land.  Go right until you see another sign that says, “Leo’s Workshop” and that has an arrow pointing up.

Jump onto the rock above the sign.  Walk right until you get to the edge of the wooden platform.  Jump onto the wooden platform next to it.  From there jump up the two wooden platforms attached to the pole.  From there jump onto the piece of wood that has rope on the edges.  That piece of wood will move down, and after around 5 seconds, it will stop.  Jump off of the piece of wood, and onto the wooden platform that you started on.  From there jump onto the piece of  wood that is slightly below and to the right of the platform.  When you are on the piece of wood, you will see a sliver medal that is attached to the bottom of a platform.  Jump off of the platform, and while you jump, get the medal.

Go back up to the place where the medal was.  When you are on the rock above the sign, go right to the edge of the platform.  Jump up onto the piece of wood that is above the platform, and from there jump onto another wood platform to the left.  Go right, and enter Leo’s Workshop from the big wooden door next to the sign.

Go left, and jump up onto the platform.  Go left.  Jump up the top of that spiral that is attached to the wooden stand.  Jump onto the platform to the right of the spiral.  Go right until you see a man whose face looks like the one on the time device.  Click on the man to talk to him.

Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The man will reply, “I am Leonardo Da Vinci.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “What do you do here?”  Leonardo Da Vinci will say, “I’m an artist and an inventor, but I’ve lost something important to me!”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “What did you lose?”  Leonardo Da Vinci will answer, “My notebook.  It contains valuable information.  I must have it back!”

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the face that looks like a Mayan.  That will take you to 1519 AD.

You will be standing next to a field of plants and a temple.  Jump up the temple until you see a lady who is crying.  Click on the lady to talk to her.

Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The lady will reply, “I am the queen of the Aztec Empire.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “Is something wrong?”  The queen will reply, “The king is upset, because a piece from the sun stone has disappeared.”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “How can I help?”  The queen will reply, “Find out what happened to the sun stone!”

Jump off of the tower, and go right until you see someone with a headdress and a pair of goggles on.  If you didn’t go too far, the guy, who is a guard, will only stamp his foot.  But, if you went too far to the right, the guard probably should have attacked you.

Get where you can see the guard, but he doesn’t attack you.  Jump over the guard.  If you landed on the steps of the temple, which you probably did, and if you didn’t land too high, you probably can see the top of the second guard’s headdress.  Jump over that guard.

Go right, and jump onto the top of the next temple that you see.  There will be a man holding a headdress like one of the guards is wearing.  Click on the man to talk to him.  The man will say that he is too old for this, whatever “this” is.  He will give you the headdress.

Put on the headdress and go back to the temple where the guards are (if you have a hat on, you will lose it when you put on the headdress, but you HAVE to put on the headdress).  Because you look like one of them, the guards don’t attack you.  Talk to the one with the goggles on.  He will give you the goggles.

Now, go up the steps of the temple, and talk to a guy with a huge headdress that has tons of feathers on.  Click on him to talk to him.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The man will reply, “I am the king of the Aztec Empire.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “Is something wrong?”  The king will reply, “A piece from the sun stone has disappeared!”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “How can I help?”  The king will reply, “Find and return the missing piece.”

You can take off the mask if you want to now.  Click on the time device.  Click on the head that looks like a warrior with a mustache and beard.  That will take you to 1593 AD.

You will end up near some cement bricks.  Go right, past a man, under two wood platforms, under two more wood platforms, and next to a barrel with a piece of string sticking out.  That is gunpowder.  Get the gunpowder, and go back to the first wood platform that you went under.

Jump up onto the platform.  From there, jump up onto the platform next to it.  Go to the right until you get next to a pile of bricks.  Every few seconds, a brick will fall down.  You need to time how you move to the right so that you don’t get hit by a brick.

As soon as you get to the edge of the platform, jump onto the platform next to it.  From there, jump up onto the platform to the right of the one you are on.  Jump up onto the wall, and go to the right until you see a man.  Click on the man to talk to him.  He will tell you that you can have the amulet he is wearing if you win in a memory game.

The man will show you a tile that matches one of the tiles on the table.  You have to keep your eyes on the matching tile while the tiles mix up.  If you kept your eyes on the tile correctly, then the amulet is yours.  If you didn’t get the amulet, try again.

Go to the left edge of the wall.  From there, jump up onto a platform to your left that is slightly above you.  This platform moves with your weight.  Go all the way to the left edge of the platform, and then jump onto that rope.  From the rope, jump up onto the platform next to it.  Go to the left edge of the platform, and jump off of it.

Go right until you reach a man who looks like a Chinese warrior.  Click on the man to talk to him.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “What are you doing?”  The man will reply, “I’m supposed to send smoke signals to the other towers.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “You look concerned.”  The man will reply, “I am!  I can’t find my stone bowl!”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “What would you do with a stone bowl?”  The man will reply, “I need it to make smoke signals.  Without it I can’t warn the others if there is danger!”

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the face that looks like a pilgrim.  That will take you to 1776 AD.

You will start out near some bushes.  Go to the right.  If you see a porcupine coming your way, jump over it or else it will knock you to the side.  Go right until you see a man who looks like Benjamin Franklin.  Right next to him is a door.  Go through the door, into the building.

When you get inside the building, walk past a man who is pacing back and forth, and jump up onto the second part of the second floor.

There will be a man standing next to you.  Click on the man to talk to him.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The man will reply, “I am Thomas Jefferson.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “What are you doing?”  Thomas Jefferson will reply, “I just completed a draft of the Declaration of Independence, but it’s disappeared.  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “I have the Declaration!”  Thomas Jefferson will say, “Thank you!  You’ve saved the future of this nation!”

When you finish talking to Thomas Jefferson, your time device icon will go from small to big, small to big, with writing next to it that says, “time period repaired”  If you click on the time device icon, when it opens up, you will see the section that has the pioneer face is green.  That means that you have repaired that part of time.

Exit the building, and use the windowsills to jump to the roof.  When you are on the roof, you sill see a bag on top of the chimney that looks like it has white rocks in it.  Get the bag.

Click on your time device symbol.  Click on the head that looks like it has a hat made of fur.  That will take you to 1805 AD.

You will end up near a fire.  Next to the fire is a man who has a fur hat on.  Click on him to talk to him.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The man will reply, “I am Captain Meriwether Lewis.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “What are you doing out here?”  Captain Lewis will reply, “We’re on an expedition to the west, but we’ve lost our peace medal.”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “I found the Peace Medal!”  Captain Lewis will say, “Excellent!  You must have keen eyes.”

The Peace Medal will be given to Captain Lewis, and that time period will be repaired.

Go right until you see a tree that has some bark torn off of its trunk.  Jump up onto the lowest branch, and from there jump up onto the next branch.  Keep jumping onto branches, until you get to the top branch.  You should be able to see a hole in the top of the tree.  Every now and then, an animal that looks like a gopher will come out of the hole.  On the gopher’s head is a Chinese bowl.

You will have to get the bowl from the gopher’s head, but that will be a little tricky.  If the gopher comes up, and you wait a few seconds, and then jump, the gopher will go back into the hole as soon as you jump.  As soon as the gopher comes out of the hole, you need to jump up and get the bowl.  It probably will take a few tries before you can get the bowl.

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the head that has an old-fashioned hair style.  That will take you to 1877 AD.

You will end up in front of a fence and some bushes.  Go to the left until you get to a house.  Go to the front door, and go inside.

Go to the left, until you get to the first table past the shelves of bottles.  Jump up onto the light above the table.  When you get on the light, jump up onto the next floor.

There will be a man on the next floor who wearing a red vest and blue pants.  Click on the man to talk to him.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The man will reply, “I’m Thomas Edison.  I’m an inventor.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “Is something wrong?”  Thomas Edison will reply, “My phonograph is gone!  It’s an important invention, and I need it back!”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “I have your phonograph!”  Thomas Edison will say, “I was so worried!  Thank you for returning it.”

The phonograph will be given to Thomas Edison, and that time period will be repaired.

Exit the building.  Go left until you get to a machine that looks like a lawn mower.  That machine is called a motor wagon.

Get onto the top seat of the motor wagon.  Click on the thing that looks like a target to start the motor wagon.  The motor wagon will go right, and it will stop at the big tree next to the house.

Jump up onto the lowest branch.  From there, jump up onto the branch above it.  Go to the edge of the branch, and jump onto the roof of the house.

When you are on the roof, go to the left until you see a piece of stone that has lots of designs on it.  Get the stone.  That is the missing piece from the sun stone.

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the face that looks like somebody from France.  That will take you to 1882 AD.

You will end up in a place where the construction of the Statue of Liberty is taking place.

Go to the left until you get to a building that has the words, “Gaget, Gauthier, et Cie” over the door.  Go inside the building.

When you get inside the building, go right until you see a man who looks like he is upset.  Click on the man to talk to him.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The man will reply, “I am Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, sculpture of the statue.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “What is wrong?”  Mr. Bartholdi will answer, “My original study model is gone!  I must have it back!”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “How can I help?”  Mr. Bartholdi will reply, “Please!  You must find and return my sculpture!”

Exit the building.  To the left of the building there is a crate and a barrel.  Jump up onto of the crate.  From there, jump up onto the roof of the building.  Jump onto the chimney, and jump onto the Statue of Liberty’s head that has not yet been attached to the statue.  From there, jump up onto a wood platform, and onto the wood platform above it.  Keep jumping until you get to the top platform.

Go to the left edge of the platform.  Jump off of the edge.  You should end up on a cement platform attached to a building.  Underneath the platform you are on is a book that you need to get.  Jump off of the platform that you are on, and onto the platform below it.  Get the book.

The book is actually Leonardo Da Vinci’s notebook.

Click on the time travel device symbol.  Click on the face that has a blue hood on.  That will take you to 1953 AD.

You will end up on a snowy mountain.

Go to the right, and jump off of the ledge that you are on, and onto the one below you.  Go right until you can go no farther to the right.  Jump up onto the ledge to the left of you.

Go left until you get to a place where the ledge ends, and there is only snow between you and the next ledge.  Jump over the snow, onto the next ledge, and go left until the ledge that you are on ends.  Jump up onto the ledge to the left of you, from there jump up onto the ledge above the on that you are on, and from there jump up onto the ledge that is above the one you are on.

Jump onto the ledge to the right of the ledge that you are on.  Go right, jump up onto the next ledge that you see, go right, and climb up the rope.

Get off of the rope, and go to the right.  Go past a man in orange, and go up to a man in blue.  Click on the man to talk to him.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The man will reply, “I am Edmund Hillary.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “What are you doing up here?”  Edmund Hillary will reply, “Tenzing and I are climbing to the summit of Mount Everest.”  Click on the third speech bubbles to say, “I found your goggles!”  Edmund Hillary will say, “Thank you, now we can continue climbing.”

The goggles will be returned to Edmund Hillary, and the time period will be repaired.

Go to the right, until you can go no farther, and jump up onto the ledge above you.  Jump up onto the ledge above the ledge you are on, jump up onto the ledge above that one, and climb up the rope.

Get off of the rope, onto the ledge, and go left until you get to the second ledge that you see.  Jump up onto that ledge, and then jump up onto the ledge to the right of that one.  Jump up all of the ledges that you see, until you get to the top of the mountain.  Be careful when you are jumping up the ledges, because icicles will fall down, and they can knock your Poptropican down.

When you get to the top of the mountain, there will be a small version of the Statue of Liberty next to you.  Get the statue.  The statue is the missing model from Mr. Bartholdi’s workshop.

Click on your time device symbol.  Click on the face that will take you to 831 AD.

Go to the first viking that you see and click on him to talk to him.  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “I have your amulet!”  The viking will reply, “Thank you!  The powers of Thor are with us again!”  The amulet will be returned to the viking, and the time period will be repaired.

Go right until you get to a big rock that has a ledge sticking out.  Jump up onto the ledge.  From there jump up onto the ledge above the ledge you are on.  Jump onto the top ledge.

There is a spot on the ledge where rocks have fallen down in front of a door that you need to go through.  Click on the pile of rocks to put the gunpowder there, so you can blast away the rocks.  When the rocks are gone, there is a torch inside the doorway. Enter the cave.

Make your way right, down, and left through the cave by jumping on different ledges.  At one point, you will get to a place where there are ledges that are above water.  Be careful, and don’t fall into the water.  If you do fall in the water, you will have to start all over again.  When you get back to dry land, there will be a new torch waiting for you, and, a little to the left of the torch, there will be a golden vase.  Get the vase.

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the head that will take you to 1387 AD.

Go to the place where the poor trader is.  Click on the trader to talk to him.  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “I found your salt rocks!”  The trader will reply, “Thank you!  I had been afraid that my fortune had been lost.”  The salt rocks will be returned to the trader, and the time period will be repaired.

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the head that will take you to 1516 AD.

Go to Leonardo’s Workshop, and go to the place where Leonardo Da Vinci is standing.  Click on Leonardo to talk to him.  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “I found your notebook!”  Leonardo Da Vinci will say, “Thank you!  As a reward I will give you this prototype of my latest invention.”  The notebook will be return to Leonardo, the time period will be repaired, and you will get a glider.

One place you can use the glider is the place where the Vikings are.  Go to the ledge where the pile of rocks were, go to the right edge, put on the glider, jump off oft the ledge, onto the top of another rock, and get a Viking costume.

Click on the time device.  Click on the head that will take you to 1519 AD.

Go to the temple where the King is.  Click on the King to talk to him.  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “I have the sun stone piece!”  The King will say, “Thank you!  We will remember you forever!”  The sun stone piece will be given to the King, and the time period will be repaired.

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the head that will take you to 1593 AD.

Go to the place where the guard who needs his stone bowl is standing.  Click on the guard to talk to him.  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “I have the stone bowl!”  The guard will say, “Thank you!  Now I will be able to send smoke signals when needed.”  The stone bowl will be given to the guard, and the time period will be repaired.

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the head that will take you to 1882 AD.

Go to the place where Frederic Auguste Bartholdi is standing.  Click on Mr. Bartholdi to talk to him.  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “I have your study model!”  Mr. Bartholdi will say, “My study model!  Thank you for returning it!”  The study model will be given back to Mr. Bartholdi, and the time period will be repaired.

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the head that will take you to 328 BC.

Go to the second man who is guarding the treasury.  Click on the guard to talk to him.  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “I have the golden vase!”  The guard will say, “Thank you!  As a reward, you may speak to the oracle on the hill.”  The golden vase will be given to the guard, and the time period will be repaired.

Go to the right, up the hill, and into the temple where the oracle is. When you are inside the temple, go left until you reach a lady wearing a red and white tunic.  That lady is the oracle

Click on the oracle to talk to her.  Click on the first speech bubble to say, “Who are you?”  The oracle will reply, “I am the oracle of Delphi.”  Click on the second speech bubble to say, “What do you do?”  The Oracle will reply, “I prophesy.  I can help you know what to do.”  Click on the third speech bubble to say, “Please help me!”  The Oracle will reply, “I see a beautiful future.  I see you going to the top of the highest building.”

Click on the time device symbol.  Click on the square that is flashing green and says, “Lab”.  That will take you back to present day.

Go inside the lab.  Click on the lady with the funny hair style.  She will say, “It appears that you’ve repaired the past!  Now travel to the future to make sure!”

Power up the future machine, and go inside it to go to the future.

You will end up in a place that looks like a park.  Go right until you get to a lake.  Swim to the right in the lake, and jump up onto the concrete sidewalk.  Go right until you get to a thing that looks like a tube with a door in it.  When you go inside the tube, it will carry you up to the platform above the sidewalk.

You are now at the monorail stop.  Every 15 seconds or so, a machine that looks like a train will pull up next to the platform.  Walk inside the monorail.  Jump up onto the top of the monorail.  Next to you will be this vent that blows air upwards.  When you see the monorail above you pass by, jump up over the vent, so that you will get into the monorail.

When you get onto the second monorail, it will take you past a grassy area.  When you get near the grassy area, jump over the vent, so that you will land on that area.

When you are on the grassy area, jump up onto the metal platform, and it will float up.  When it floats up next to another grassy area, jump off of the platform, onto the grassy area.  Go right until you get next to a door that looks like it is part of a tube.  Go inside the door.

You will end up in somebody’s house.  Go to the edge of the first part of the floor that you are on, and jump onto the next part of the floor.  Go right until you see your 50 years older self.

When you walk into the room your 50 years older self will give you a medallion, and 100 Poptropica Credits.  Congratulations!  You have completed Time Tangled Island!

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