It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

Make sure you watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! on TV either tonight and tomorrow!  Here is Shark Boy’s post, giving you some more information!

Pumpkins: Great?
If you haven’t had a chance to see the classic TV special that inspired Great Pumpkin Island, now’s your chance! “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” will be shown on television tonight and tomorrow. Check your local listings!
And while you wait for the Great Pumpkin to show up on Halloween night, don’t forget that Great Pumpkin Island is still free to play for everyone. It’ll make a great game at your neighborhood Halloween Party.

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Have fun watching TV!  Also, just to let you know, I have made a page for the contest, so click HERE to check it out!

Scary… Not really, just a cave xD

So, as Captain Crawfish freely posts, there is a cave. And apparently he dares us to…

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Take a look at this creepy cave entrance. What do you suppose lives in there?

Dare you to go in first!

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Ha! Yeah right! Like we’re actually going to go in first. Listen Crawfish, I don’t care how scary the cave is, but you go in first. I haven’t forgotten Skullduggery Island. Didn’t you try to kill me like ten times? Grrrr…
Captain Crawfish: Sorry about that. Super Thunder has mental issues.
Super Thunder: I HEARD that!

Pop the Gum!

There is a new popgum in the store! Yeay! Black Widow posted this. She does owe us from Counterfeit Island and maybe Reality T.V. Island. So *trumpets* this is what she says :

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Just in time for Halloween, you can get a spooky new type of chewing gum in the Poptropica Store.

When the spooktacular gum pops, a group of wailing ghouls flies away. Take some into any common room and see if you can scare the daylights out of other Poptropicans, like I did to this precious princess here:

Who needs a costume? Not me!

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Note: The contest has ended.

Note:  The contest is going to end tomorrow!  If you are working on a video, please make sure you finish it and send it in before tomorrow, Monday, November 22!  Please make sure you don’t send in videos late!

Note: The contest is going to end in a few days.  I’m not sure of the date, but I will let you know a day or two before it ends.  Please submit your videos before that day, if no one submits, I will have do save the contest for sometime later in the year or next year.

Note: I have updated the prize section, if you are doing the contest, or are interested in doing the contest, please take a look at it!  The Video Contest page has been edited, too.  I have also changed the goal section.  The change in the goal section is REALLY important, so I would take a look at it.

That’s right, Icy Comet’s Blog is proud to present its first contest!

The goal of the contest:

The goal of the contest is to see who can make the best video guide for one of the islands in Poptropica.  You can choose any of the islands to make your guide on.

To enter the contest:

To enter the contest, you must:

  1. Make sure you have read all of the instructions and have read all about the contest, and you fully understand what you must do and what the contest is about.
  2. You must make sure that your computer has some sort of way to make a video from what you see on your screen.
  3. Have fun and start your video! (But, make sure you read the rest of this post before you start!)

How we will judge your video:

  1. Is it easy to understand?  Would a six-year old child understand it?  Would a thirteen year old understand it?  We would want the guide made so that anyone who plays Poptropica could understand it fully.
  2. Is it creative?  To make your video a winner in this contest, it has to be a little different.  Maybe you could dress up your Poptropican in a scary costume in celebration of Halloween, or you could do something else, like making a title that looks like a rainbow at the beginning.  Don’t go over the top, but have a little room for creativity.
  3. Would it actually help someone complete an island?  If you make a guide, don’t have one part missing, or everything be out-of-order,  make sure it would fill its purpose and help someone who wants a guide on how to beat an island in Poptropica.

Sending us your guide:

Once your guide is completed, you can email it to us.  Probably none of you know our email since it is new.  Our email is  So, if you want to send us your video, just send it as an attachment, and we will look at it as soon as possible.

Now, for the part you have all been waiting for, the prizes:

We will have a prize for first place, and then we will have two runner-ups.  The prize for first place would be either a new account with 1,000 credits on it, or I would buy a game card for Poptropica and I can email you the code so you can activate it.  If you win this prize you can email me and let me know which one you want to do.  The two runner-ups prizes’ would be they each get an account with some islands completed and with one, two, three, something like that, cool costumes.  I don’t know what islands would be completed and what costumes you would get, Super Thunder is in charge of this prize.    Lastly, the first place video and the runner-ups’ videos will all be posted on the Guides page, underneath the island that they are supposed to be under.

If you win, your prizes will be emailed to you.  Remember to check both your inbox and your spam box when you enter the contest, just so you won’t miss the fact that you won the contest.

I’m thinking of having this contest last about 3 weeks, maybe longer or shorter.  It depends on how much work there is for everyone involved.

Well, I hope you like this idea for a contest.  Later, I will make a page about the contest, so people can still read about it when the post becomes un-sticky.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment!


~Icy Comet

cry… New Island?

UPDATE: Okay, I just got a grip on myself! Whew! Okay so about this… well we’re just going to have to wait and see, because some people DID claim to see a sign that said Cryptids Island. I never saw a sign, but at the PHB, Loud Shark did take a picture of Cryptids Island.

u can tell im depresd when i start riting like this  icy comet will hopfully tell u mor bout this 😥

Monday, October 25, 2010

Did you see it?

There are rumors that a new Poptropica Island was announced on the Poptropica homepage last week, only to disappear. Like some kind of mythical beast vanishing into the fog, it was there one minute, and gone the next.

Eyewitness accounts can be unreliable. Scientists have yet to prove the existence of the next Poptropica Island. The whole thing could be a hoax.

Did you see it? Was it real? Was the next Poptropica Island truly revealed?

The truth is out there.

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The Toys are in Poptropica!

As you probably guessed, there is an ad for Toy Story 3 in Poptropica.  To complete the ad, you must rescue Hamm, Mr. Potato Head, and Rex from the cages that Lotso has locked them in.  You must get to the cages and unlock them without getting caught by Lotso.  To do that, you must avoid the beams of light that are produced by the security cameras.  Hide behind things like glue, chairs, and other objects so you are not caught in the light.

The prizes you get are either a Jessie costume or a Woody costume (depending on whether you are a boy or a girl) and an Alien follower.

A Castle in the Fog and Hot Air Balloons

All right, today I have two posts from the Creators’ Blog to show you.

The first post is about an old castle.  Here is Captain Crawfish’s post, telling you all about it.

Castle crashers

Great Pumpkin Island has been out for a week already! Hopefully, that means you’ve had a chance to play it. If not, what the heck are you waiting for?

But if so, you’re probably already looking forward to the next Island. So are we. Soon, we’ll share a lot more information about the next Poptropica adventure. For now… here’s another sneak peek!

Not exactly a castle in the clouds. More like a castle in the fog.

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The next sneak peak is about hot air balloons.  Here is Comic Kid’s post, telling about hot air balloons.

Come fly with me

Up, up in my beautiful balloon…

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Isn’t it strange how the hot air balloon on the left looks like three balloons tied together?

Just a notice, I have updated the Rules page, so you might want to check it out!

~Icy Comet

Da Monsters are in da House!

Yeah, I normally don’t do titles like that, but I decided to try something different for once, and you know, it is fun! 😀

ANYWAY, remember the monster costumes I told you about earlier?  Well, some of you may not remember them, I only did that post a couple hours ago…ANYWAY here is Captain Crawfish’s post telling all about the monster costumes!

Do the monster mash!

You may have noticed not one, not two, not three, but FOUR new costumes in the Poptropica Store! Take your pick of this quartet of creepy creatures and pick up one of the new Furry Monster outfits, just in time for Halloween.

For girls:

For boys:

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It looks like the pictures I showed you earlier were only the girls costumes, oops!  😳  Well, now you know.

Two New Ads and New Costumes

The first new ad that has arrived is an ad for a new TV series that is coming up on Cartoon Network.  The TV show is called Tower Prep.

The picture from the sign that was near the ad.

You don’t have to do anything in this ad, but you can customize your Poptropican with these costumes that are in the ad.

Why do these costumes remind me a little bit of Harry Potter?

The next ad is for Barbie *gasp*.  Creators, how could you do this to me? I’m going to get this over as fast as possible!

That is just too pink for Halloween!

To complete this ad, you must help Barbie choose the perfect costume for the Halloween party.  My suggestion would be to just click on any random costume, they all work, and it saves time.

Once you choose the costume, Barbie will give you a cat costume.

This does NOT look anything like a cat!

You HAVE to put the cat costume on if you want to go to the party and complete the ad.  So, put the costume on and go to the party.  Once you are at the party, you will have completed the ad.

Now, I can announce something fun!

There are some new costumes in the Poptropica Store!

Now these costumes are cool!

Hey, maybe this means Monster Carnival will be coming back to Poptropica!  I hope so!

Well, there you have it, two new ads and some new costumes to the Poptropica Store!

Great Pumpkin Island is…

…open for non-members!  Yes, the wait is over.  Non-members can now play on Great Pumpkin Island! 😀

Well, that is all for now.  Just thought I would let you know about Great Pumpkin Island.

~Icy Comet