It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

Make sure you watch It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! on TV either tonight and tomorrow!  Here is Shark Boy’s post, giving you some more information!

Pumpkins: Great?
If you haven’t had a chance to see the classic TV special that inspired Great Pumpkin Island, now’s your chance! “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown” will be shown on television tonight and tomorrow. Check your local listings!
And while you wait for the Great Pumpkin to show up on Halloween night, don’t forget that Great Pumpkin Island is still free to play for everyone. It’ll make a great game at your neighborhood Halloween Party.

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Have fun watching TV!  Also, just to let you know, I have made a page for the contest, so click HERE to check it out!

*TRUMPETS* Congrats to…

…the top ten finishers of Great Pumpkin Island! Here’s what the Creators have to say about that:

Friday, October 1, 2010

Congratulations to the first 10 finishers of Great Pumpkin Island!

Linus may wait all night for the Great Pumpkin, but we didn’t have to wait long for the first 10 Poptropicans to complete Great Pumpkin Island. Congratulations to the first 10 finishers!
1. Hyper Shark
2. Fierce Moon
3. Cool Typhoon
4. Slippery Plug
5. Tough Bite
6. Small Crush
7. Blue Sky
8. Magic Singer
9. Quick Turtle
10. Bendy Ghost

We’ll look forward to seeing many more of you earning that Island medallion!

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Ahh, how I wish I was a member. Well all I have to say now is…. nothing actually.

Lucy has arrived in Poptropica! To yell at her brother!

Shark Boy meets Lucy

So Icy Comet did a quick post about Lucy being in Poptropica. But here is the actual conversationn with Lucy:

You: You look worried.

Lucy: Linus is going to freeze out here, waiting for the Great Pumpkin.

You: You’re right. It could be dangerous out here at night.

Lucy: It’s not him I’m concerened about.

You: Oh no?

Lucy: I’ll be known as the sister of the blockhead who caught cold on Halloween night, waiting for a flying pumpkin!

Linus, Charlie Brown, and the Great Pumpkin

Have you seen the sneak peak for The Great Pumpkin Island?  If you haven’t, you might want to check it out.  If you have, there have been some changes made.

When you go to The Great Pumpkin Island, go right until you see Linus.  If you talk to Linus, he will start talking about the great pumpkin.

Charlie Brown is to the right of Linus.  If you talk to Charlie Brown, he will tell you about how Linus always spends Halloween night waiting for the Great Pumpkin and how it is impossible to convince him that there is no such thing as the Great Pumpkin.

Sorry I can’t include pictures right now, I will try and add them later.

~Icy Comet

Edit: Okay, I got the pictures!  Here they are!

One of the signs you will see.

Linus, who is sucking his thumb and has his blanket with him (as usual).

Charlie Brown, who is waiting in the pumpkin patch with Linus

The other sign that you will see.

Hope you like the pictures!

~Icy Comet