Yet Another Thing That We Already Know…

There’s something wrong with the Creators.  They keep telling us stuff that we already know!

One giant leap for map-kind

For some time now, Poptropica has had a problem. A good problem, but a problem nonetheless. The problem: too many Islands! Vampire’s Curse Island will be our 25th Island, if you can believe it. And our map was starting to look really cluttered.

First, we thought we would just have to erase some Islands. Flush ’em right down the drain. But as our fingers were hovering over the “delete” button, somebody had an idea: why not make a new map? We all agreed that was a much better solution.

Now, when you log onto Poptropica for the first time, or return to your blimp from Main Street of any Island, you’ll see this new and improved map screen!

It has a few advantages over the old one. The Island icons no longer move, so it’s easier to read their names. The newest Islands are at the very beginning, so you’ll won’t have far to look for the latest and greatest adventure. And we’ve split up the map into different pages, which makes it easier for you to sort through them.

Oh, and most important of all: the birds chase your blimp.

We hope you enjoy the new map, and that it helps makes your visit to Poptropica even more fun than before.

Happy Leap Day! There won’t be another one for 4 years.

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We knew about this…let’s see…4 or 5 days ago!  Creators, you really need to work on your efficientness (that can be a word if I want it to be).

That’s why you come here, where you get the news right away without any waiting!  Well, most of the time anyway.

Edit: It just sank in…the Creators almost deleted some islands!  Those beautiful, wonderful, amazing, islands that we spent forever trying to beat and make guides for!  Thank goodness somebody had the idea of making a new map, and whoever that was just saved me from crying about all the hard work that I did for nothing.

Poptropica’s Getting Yummy!

What’s better than good food?  Nothing except for good food and Poptropica fun!

Now, if you go to Applebee’s, you can get a Poptropica Activity Book.

Poptropica at Applebee’s!

Poptropica just got a little tastier. Now, when your family dines at your neighborhood Applebee’s restaurant, you’ll get a Poptropica activity book full of games and puzzles starring your favorite Poptropica characters. (And who’s that handsome pirate on the cover?)

The Poptropica Family Activity Book will be available at Applebee’s locations in North America from today until May 7. Bon appetit!

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Now the only problem is trying to convince my family to take me to Applebee’s…

Edit: Vampire’s Curse Island comes out tomorrow!  Just saying.

Items to Make You “Stink-Tacular” in Every Way

Members, I don’t envy you that much right now.  The items from the Members-only gear pack aren’t the most…attractive…of items.  Though to use something that Black Widow wrote in her post, the items will help you create a “stink-tacular” look.

New in the Poptropica Store!

Vampire’s Curse Island is coming soon, and the fun has already started for Poptropica Members! The Vampire’s Curse Island gear pack is available now in the Poptropica Store!

Pick up the stink-tacular Garlic Breath power, chew on a stick of Vampire Bat Gum, or dress up as the most stylish Vampire Count or Countess around.

Picking up your Member gear pack is easy: just visit Poptropica and click on the green coin icon to access the Store. The items are right there.

If you’re not a Member, find out how to get Membership. And fangs for playing!

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5 Days, 22 Hours, 35 Minutes, 29 Seconds, and a New Map

The countdown for Vampire’s Curse Island has begun!

Members, prepare yourselves to camp out by your computers to try to be one of the first ten to finish the island!

Also, there’s a new map for when you travel from one island to another.

The new map looks like this:

You can see more of the map by going to the side and clicking when it says “More Islands”

Personally, I liked the old map better.  Gosh, Creators, you have to change something when it is already perfect!

No Need for Oxygen, But a Need for a Memory Refreshment

The Creators recently did a post about something…that…they…already…told…us!  Very exciting! *rolls eyes*

Poptropica Tips and Tricks: More oxygen on S.O.S. Island

Thanks to a few new features on Poptropica, it turns out that you can play S.O.S. Island in a whole new way, if you just follow a couple of easy steps.

First, play through the bonus quest. When you do, you’ll get a deep-sea diving suit that lets you stay underwater for much longer than usual. Next, restart the Island while you’re still wearing the diving suit.

Now, when you start playing the primary quest again, you’ll have way more oxygen, and can spend more time exploring the depths! You can even play a little ditty on the piano, as in the picture above.

There’s always more to explore on Poptropica, so get out there and dive deep!

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The Creators need a refresh button for their memories.  That way, they won’t get us all excited thinking that there’s something new and cool, but then it turns out to be something that we already know and have known for a super long time!  Gosh, Creators, you really need to improve…something…

Pop Picture Contest #3

Edit: Congratulations to ShyFire/BB/Claudia/Mellie/Miamagic16 for guessing correctly!  The picture is from S.O.S. Island!  Go to the Pop Picture Contest page to see where her name is mentioned.  There’s also a link to her blog there.  You might want to check it out!

Time yet again for another Pop Picture Contest!  Don’t know what the Pop Picture Contest is? (Really, buy know you should know!)  If you don’t know or if you are suffering from amnesia, just go to the Pop Picture Contest page.  You’ll find everything you need to know there.

Here’s the picture on three…




Says "Use Protective Equipment" but it doesn't show any hard hats(or whatever those are called). What kind of "Use Protective Equipment" sign wouldn't show a hard hat?!?!

Any guesses?  I sure hope not…at least not right away.  If you start guessing too fast, that means that I have failed.

So on that note, I wish you lots of confusion, headaches, a frustration trying to figure this out!

:O I’m So Proud of You Creators… You Said “Soonish”!

High five for talking like me!


Well, like, fine then. See if I ever ask you for a high five again. Anyway, the Creators said “soonish”! Yay!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Poptropica in focus

We’re always working on new features for Poptropica. Here’s a sneak peek at one new project we’ve got going on.
What could it be? We’ll have more details for you — oh, let’s call it soonish.
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I dunno why you have to slanty write “soonish” though. I write it just plain out and don’t give a blink.
You guys wanna know what’s a good sentence to avoid answering a teacher?
“Oh, um, well, I, uh, it’s just, that, like, well, I don’t, I mean, I do, but I still… I mean, like, yeah.”
^ Works like a charm.
Anyway, in this post, it looks like we have… A mechanical owlie. Merlin! And that little mouse that we captured in Astro Knights! It seems like just yesterday that I was riding in a pink rocket to save the princess… Ah, memories.
~Katniss (Super Thunder)


Cactus Von Thorny

Sorry, it’s actually Cactus Von Garlic.  Though Cactus Von Thorny would have made more sense cause cactuses (yes, I know that’s not a word) are thorny…

Anyway, Cactus Von Thorny Garlic is a character that you will probably see in Vampire’s Curse Island.

Who is Cactus Von Garlic?

And why does he have that metal band around his neck?

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Rumor has it that Garlic Von Thorny Cactus is a vampire hunter.  That rumor is probably true, because Garlic Cactus Von Thorny has a garlic on his hat (which vampires are said to hate), a bow and arrow, and the thing around his neck might  be silver (which vampires also hate…or maybe that’s werewolves…).  Obviously, that rumor was started by someone who is much smarter than me and actually takes time to think about these things, because I would never have thought of that.

More news about Vampire’s Curse Island and Garlic Thorny Von Cactus hopefully coming soon!

Two Posts from Creators’ Blog That I Should Have Posted About Long Time Ago Even Though They’re Not Interesting

First, congratulations to me, because I probably just broke the record for the world’s longest title for a post.

Anyway, like I hope you guessed from the title, there are two posts on the Poptropica Creator’s Creators Creato’rs Creators’ (good grief I need to learn how to do apostrophes) Bog Blog (apparently I need to work on my spelling, two too) that I haven’t posted about, even though I should have posted about them a long time ago.  They’re not very interesting, anyway.

This one I didn’t post about because I (stupidly) didn’t see it.

New guides available in the Poptropica app!

The Poptropica Tips & Tricks app just got a little more helpful. With a new update, now you can get walkthroughs for our two newest adventures, S.O.S. Island and Ghost Story Island!

Visit the App Store or Android Marketplace to download the update, then launch the app. The guides for S.O.S. Island and Ghost Story Island will now be in the list of Island guides for in-app purchase.

Download the iOS version of the Poptropica Tips & Tricks app from the App Store.

Download the Android version of the Poptropica Tips & Tricks app from the Android Market.


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Creators, why would we buy your guides when you can use free guides that are still amazing here, on ST’s Blog, on the PHB, or other places like that?

The next post from the Poptropica Creators’ Blog I didn’t post about because I was lazy.  I have decided to become momentarily un-lazy just so that you can hear about it.  I hope you appreciate that.

A new adventure for you!

Many things to do, many things to see! Inside this adventure is the place to be!

There’s an exciting new MEGA-SIZED adventure on Poptropica! Go to Game Show Island and you will find it on Main Street!

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That’s it for right now.  Remember, check back soon for news that I will hopefully post on time next time.


Yay for crushing my dreams. How do you feel now Creators, huh? Huh? You crushed a little, innocent, thirteen year old’s dreams!

What dreams, you ask? Well, I was hoping for some good information on Vampire’s Curse… Like a post saying it’s released, or something. But no-o-o! They have to post on the info page. Well, whatever! It’s not like I cared, anyway. Even though I totally did… 😦

Monday, February 20, 2012

Get your Vampire’s Curse info here!

If you’ve been thirsting for more news about the next Poptropica Island, then you’re in luck. The Vampire’s Curse Island info page is up and running. Get the first details about the Island’s story, some of the character’s you’ll meet, and some bonuses for Members.
As always, we’ll have more news about Vampire’s Curse Island right here as it becomes available. Stay tuned!
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Well, fine!  Go ahead and post that! See if I care! Now, please excuse me, I have something in my eye…
Sobs can be heard at Count Bram’s Castle.
“Good evening, darling.”
~Katniss (Super Thunder)